Mac "Photos" Apparently not Communicating with Photo Album plugin (or Vice Versa)

Hi @Desert4wd, welcome to the forum, and just to cover my bases… a few steps prior to my answer :slight_smile:

Apparently you didn’t follow the advice outlined here about upgrading to RW6. Not sure if was an issue from v4.x directly to 6 or not.

If you have transferred stacks, make sure they are all updated (do this manually from Stacks)

Make sure you go to the developers website and download the latest version of any 3rd party themes you may have

If you have LogHound stacks or Plugins, be sure to go their website and download the RW6 version manually.

I think the trick is to start Photo’s first, then RapidWeaver (At least on my machine), if you go the other way round, the photo’s don’t seem to sync. @nikf is this an issue to be reported?

Hope that helps