@ajvcali I got details through our support folks today on this file with this exact problem today. I’m afraid the bug in that file was not in any of my software – so I can’t fix this one.
In that file, the problem was definitely in a Photo Album page – or within the main app itself and being triggered by a photo album page.
If you do have a photo album page in your site, you might try disabling publishing on that page temporarily to work around the problem.
I’ve reported the bug in that file with copious details to the Realmac Software guys. Hopefully they’ll catch it in the next update.
@apfelpuree - There are two possibilities here:
If this is a relatively small file and the hang lasts forever, please send me your file (along with all necessary bits and bobs to open it). I don’t know of a bug like this currently, but if there is one your file would help to get it fixed.
RapidWeaver is loading the document
RapidWeaver 7.1 has some new behaviors that have confused a few people. RapidWeaver opens very large sites quickly by only loading a tiny bit of them. This is great. But when you export/publish the site, it needs to load the other content – this can take quite a bit of time. It is the same amount of time that we used to wait when opening up the document in RW 7.0 – it’s just shifted to a different (and sometimes confusing) time.
PlusKit definitely exacerbates this situation PlusKit merges one part of your site into another – this, of course, forces that load too. But it forces the load right in the middle of the export of another page (in your case that looks like a Stacks page).
Unfortunately I have little control over this load process. If it’s causing you grief, I’d encourage you to send a polite note to RapidWeaver expressing that. The “lazy loading” of the site was supposed to make RapidWeaver feel snappier – if it’s doing the opposite for some users it would help them to know about it.