Added https but Sitemap contains still http links

After I have implemented https for my web site, I have a SEO warning, Because the build in RW 8 Sitemap is still providing http links. I edited the sitemap.xml, but RW continues to publish a Sitemap with http links. Any advise is appreciated


The Sitemap is generated. You aren’t able to change the generated code. Is will be overwritten again.

Did you change your base URL inside the RW settings to https?


Yes, I did

Stephan Beckmann - Wirtschaftsmediator
+49 152 3429 1025 | WesterholtstraĂźe 15 | 44801 Bochum

Your sitemap still has http links in it.

You either haven’t updated the site web address in the general settings and/or publishing settings. Or you haven’t republished all files since you changed to https.


OK! I changed it only in the general settings…… SOLVED many thanks :slight_smile:
**Stephan Beckmann - **Mediator

M +49 152 34291025 T +49 234 9791801

WesterholtstraĂźe 15 - 44801 Bochum

Umsatzsteuer IdNr DE298607098

I have issue with sitemap and xml file that is generated by built in tool of RW does not correct for Tiny url feature.
It means i get /myfolder/index.html instead of /myfolder/ when you view your sitemap.

I am tempted to disable built in sitemap creator and use other online generators.

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