I am using rapidweaver and the cosmic theme which is an extra that I bought.
I am told I should now make my website “mobile friendly”. I gather this means switchiing to a new theme/template? The only one I can see in the regular rapidweaver collection of 53 is the one called “iphone”. I can’t tell if any of the other are mobile friendly.
Can anyone recommend a simple idiot proof theme/template that looks good on a regular computer and also on a phone?
Hi Janet, at a guess you didnt get a genuine Rapidweaver Theme ???
the iPhone theme is a Rapidweaver Classic theme and is only used/needed with projects created with older versions of RW
All the current themes shown on the Realmac Website are Mobile Friendly !
In RW6 Preview Mode you can easily see what your Site will look like on a Mobile,
Cosmic was made by Elixir, no longer produced…
You don’t mention what version of RapidWeaver or if you have Stacks installed (v2 or 3?)
If you go to the Community site, choose Addons and then Themes you will see a host of Themes, the description should say if it is responsive or not… Responsive Theme is what you want.
I’ve just come across the same thing, although reading this answer it doesn’t seem to make sense.
I recently upgraded to RW7 and refreshed the site. It is using the Cameo theme, so standard RW.
Today I ran the Google Mobile friendly test
Its come back and report:
“Page appears not mobile-friendly
Text too small to read
Links too close together
Mobile viewport not set”
If as the answer above say all RW standard themes are mobile friendly why is Google saying this?
Which RW themes will pass the Google test?
I solely use Foundation for my projects.
It is a theme framework which is designed specifically to be responsive across all device sizes.
Not all themes are responsive in rapiWweaver. In fact most of the older themes are not.
I thing all of the themes in the “new themes” group are responsive. To select those open themes and select new themes:
For purchased themes you would have to check the develpers website.
Thanks, that makes sense - I took the earlier message to imply they all were