After last update .. RW is lagging badly

It’s always difficult to pinpoint the cause of something with performance. It could have been any one of the addons you have installed. With so many it can be easy to forget an update happening.

It definitely wasn’t a Stacks update – there haven’t been any updates since Jan (and you are correct the release date on the archive page had the year incorrect – it’s fixed now)

But if you can help me recreate the problem, I can probably give you a lot more specific information.

I’ve been so busy working on Stacks v4.1 that I haven’t even looked at RW 8.6.2. Although I have seen a few reports about slowdowns and CPUs running at 100%. I’ll give it a look today.

I remember one more other difference between the two is the MacBook Pro have lot less stack installed compared to the iMac Desktop.


I sent you a PM with the files you requested but I wasn’t thinking … I sent it from Macbook Pro … I should sent the Addon from the iMac Desktop. Let me add a second addon. I will PM you a second link for it.

Hooked up a dual monitor to my MacBook Pro … No lagging at all or a spinning beach ball.

Must be something about the iMac …

Maybe too many stacks installed? Corrupted stack? on iMac

I have the same machine, just with more ram (48)and A speedier graphics radian pro580. I also have 307 stacks and I usually stick to foundation. I have no lag or performance and I am running 8.6.2 with OS 10.15.4.
I was wondering if you kicked up activity monitor and checked how much ram you have free when it is launched and how much cpu goes up and free ram goes down when you do a modification. It does sound like it cannot set up the resources that it need. Do you have a fusion drive or a ssd drive?

I am not sure what drive I have but both my iMac 27 and Macbook Pro 16 are 2017 models.

You can find out by going under the apple and selecting about this mac. It will open up with the overview. Select the Storage option and it will tell you what drives you have. Now, to address your storage, reboot your system and hold down the r key. This will put you into recovery mode. You will have access to the disk utility to check your boot volume. Run it and see what shape you’re HD is in. It must be done this way to properly address the boot volume to check and repair the volume.
It could be a fusion drive and they are nothing but a pain. It the the default option for the imac. Anybody out there considering purchasing a imac, pay the extra to get a SSD! Mine has a 500G drive and with all the stuff I have I still have 325G free. (music and video on another drive.)

It’s a fusion drive.

The iMac belong the the company I work for so I am stuck with they give me however the MacBook Pro have a flash drive.

Do you think the fusion drive is causing the lag issue which I am experiencing in RW?

The drive could be in need of a little TLC. Could it be the problem, maybe. It is just the first step into looking at your problem.It still could be RW. It is difficult to do these diagnoses from afar. I could look at your machine if you were around Toronto Ontario CANADA. no charge to a fellow RWer.

I believe I have it narrowed down that having two same partials on the page was causing RW to lag badly.

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thanks to the file that bill posted earlier i think we’ve narrowed this down to a couple items: a change in Foundation 6 is coming shortly (or may have already arrived) and I’ll follow along later with a more general solution to similar things – either in Stacks 4.1 or perhaps a very small release to v4.0 – it kind of depends on how the v4.1 developer testing goes in the next few days. :crossed_fingers:


Glad you got this fixed!
Honestly, I moved back to 8.6.1. I had tons of uploading issues with 8.6.2. I’ll wait until the next release. As soon as I moved back to the previous version, all was working fine.

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