Apply Stack to WeaverPix gallery?

Is there a way to apply a stack to a Weaverpix gallery? I’d like to add hover effects, etc.


No, Weaverpix is not a Stacks Plugin :wink:
A hover effect on what?

Trying to add hover effects to the image gallery from Weaverpix. It sounds like I can’t add stacks image effects to a Weaverpix gallery.

No, you cannot add stacks to WeaverPix.

You can add Weaverpix to stacks but you can not add a stack effect to that

@webdj Can you be a bit more specific about what image effects you want to add to WeaverPix? I’m the developer of many of the themes within WeaverPix (and several addon themes distributed separately). Many of themes (especially the gallery grid / thumbnail themes) can be customised with CSS code. For example, it would be feasible to present all images in monochrome and have them fade to colour on mouseover. Is that the sort of thing you want or do you have more ambitious ideas?

@webdj as @willwood suggested, WeaverPix is very theme able and customizable. If you have a base theme and style you’re looking for, I bet he can help.
