How can I? install gallery on a stacks page

How can I install the RW7 Photo Gallery on a Stacks Page? I want a page with my Photo Gallery and an Instagram added to it on the same page for instance… I have a Instagram Connect stack I bought, and want both on the same page however it just seems to make a gallery page and cannot drag that into the stack page…

take a look at swipe gallery from stacks4stacks:

there are other gallery stacks you can choose from

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Here are some other ones to think about:
Gallery Stack 3 by Instacks
Total CMS by Joe Workman
Photo Stack by Nick Cates

Yes, Total CMS is a little overboard, but if you want to add images WITHOUT using RapidWeaver, then that will help. Also, both Photo and Gallery Stack 3 can be used in conjunction with Total CMS.

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To help clarify your first issue a bit, the RW Photo Album plugin and the Stacks plugin are different types of pages/plugins that you can add to your site and not meant to work in conjunction with each other.

Zeebe and Rolisize are offering specific gallery stacks that you can get and these work independant of the built-in RW Photo Album plugin and are designed specifically for the Stacks plugin.

I guess what I need is a simple Gallery Stack that works like the RW7 one…so which ones do I need to look at that works in stacks 3?

The ones above are all excellent examples. Gallery Stack 3 and Photo Stack seem to have really good reviews but they’re also pricier, if you’re only looking for something simple.
Stacks4Stacks has another one called ProGallery and it has a free demo to try out.

There’s a handful on the RW Community site as well (ignore any of the ‘promoted’ ones as they’re not necessarily related).

If you want to use the built in Photo Album page on a Stacks page, take a look at Photo Album Beautifier. You’ll need PlusKit from Yourhead Software to import the album but it’s a really neat solution and could be exactly what you’re after.


I guess what I want it more like the rapid Weaver one, where you just add images and saves a lot of time. A lot of this right now is confusing to me, it seems a little complicated, it looks like with plus kit i can import my RW7 photo gallery within in the same page that i might want to add my instagram stack, I think that’s what it does…