First I must say that I am loving the solo content with Armadillo and with Foundation from Joe anything is possible.
The issue I’m having is getting the menu items from a page created with Armadillo to show up in the top bar menu of Foundation. I’ve tried every class I can find in the Armadillo settings but can’t seem to get the correct one.
Using TopBar have you tried putting the Armadillo Nav inside an ExtraZone in TopBar. Otherwise you might be able to use BWD’s PopDrop I’m Mega menu mode. That’s what I would do first, actually.
I’m having this issue, too. While putting the Armadillo menu in the extra zone area of TopBar might work (haven’t tried it), that’s not how it’s supposed to work. I’d prefer it to work the way it’s advertised. Anyone found any answers, yet?
According to the instructional video from Nimblehost, the highlighted line in the screenshot should be the container that is used to attach the Armadillo menu to the main menu. Am I missing something?