I’m having a melt down with Armadillo update. First i lost my old stuff (my fault I accept that) second I cannot get anything to publish. I’ve done everything. I put the blog stack in, i’ve change the id number, i’ve changed the location of the main stack. I’ve republished all files. I’ve changed my SQL database to make a new one. I’ve emailed greg at chillidog who says he can’t help and sent 3 desperate emails to nimblehost and haven’t received a response yet.
Two problems I’m seeing is this at the top of my page and I don’t know what it means.
BC Pires, Thank God it’s Friday ga(‘set’, ‘userId’, {{USER_ID}}); // Set the user ID using signed-in user_id.
and There was a problem displaying the selected page: Duplicate entry ‘17’ for key ‘PRIMARY’ - but there’s no duplicate id of 17 and I don’t know anything about “primary”… So if anyone can help me I’d be very grateful. Thanks.