The web inspector tells me:
“TypeError: $ is not a function. (In ‘$(’.dropdown-toggle’)’, ‘$’ is undefined)”
that refers to this code:
// Initializes dropdowns
and I’ve also:
“undefined is not a function (near ‘…jQuery…’)”
That refers to this code:
var Armadillo = {
startFancyBox: function() {
jQuery(".armadilloContent a[href$=’.jpg’], .armadilloContent a[href$=’.jpeg’], .armadilloContent a[href$=’.png’], .armadilloContent a[href$=’.gif’], .armadilloContent a[href$=’.tif’], .armadilloContent a[href$=’.tiff’], .armadilloContent a[href$=’.bmp’], .armadilloContent a[href$=’.JPG’], .armadilloContent a[href$=’.JPEG’], .armadilloContent a[href$=’.PNG’], .armadilloContent a[href$=’.GIF’], .armadilloContent a[href$=’.TIF’], .armadilloContent a[href$=’.TIFF’], .armadilloContent a[href$=’.BMP’], .fancybox, .colorbox1, .colorbox2, .colorbox3, .colorbox4, .colorbox5, .colorbox6, .colorbox7, .colorbox8, .colorbox9, .colorbox10").addClass(‘afb-enabled’).fancybox();
Does it mean something for you ???
Thanks a lot,
Guillaume (means William in French ^_^)