On Backend | RapidWeaver Elements Docs I found some pointers that I could embed some of the backend code we need to use if I wrap the described PHP around and basically where it says " // Process data […] " call (exec) a shell script and reach out to a Python interface, etc., BUT …
The projects I work on have a clear “rule” : for any new stuff we do, PHP is no longer allowed. And can only be used with extra approval process, lots of forms, meetings, … and that would sort kill the argument of introducing Elements to make things smoother, modern, bla, bla, …
(you can tell these are backend people, looking for tools to help them prototype frontend things, right?)
I am currently still in the phase of “just started with reading the documentation”, so feel free to respond with “yes, you have not found that doc yet, just read this …” or “that should basically work, there just is no documentation (yet), but if you try …” :-).