Dev Diary Ep29 - New Beta. New Components!

Hey Weavers,

Wow, it’s been quite a week since the last beta. The feedback again has been amazing and it feels like we’re moving forward at a phenomenal pace. Along with today’s video, we’ve also posted this weeks beta here.

This post with screenshots, by beta tester @trinube, comparing Classic Stacks to Elements, highlights rather nicely why our new WYSIWYG editor makes such a difference when designing your website.

It’s one thing watching the dev diary videos, but it’s not until you get to use Elements and jump between the two apps that you start to understand how Elements really is shaping up to be something special.

Anyway, enough of that. In today’s video I highlight some of the fixes and new components we’ve introduced in the latest beta. If you’re a tester please check for updates now!


Keep the feedback coming, together we can ship the best web design software on the Mac. If you have any questions about today’s video please post them below.

See you next week :wave:

Dan & Team Realmac.


These are indeed some nice new Components! Like mini workflows that just work the way you would expect.

EDIT: LOVE the inspectors. This is much tidier and IMO functional.

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We’re just running another build now to fix an issue with the heading component…

Update: If you’re on the beta please check for updates again, the latest version is now build 22835.