Background photos not loading

Hi all I’m going nuts here. I have installed RW8 and it’s driving me nuts. Not as easy as the old version 5 was. I keep dropping photos into side banner area to get photo on my page and nothing is happening. Keep getting pop ups saying " Invalid page template the page template of the current theme is empty’. This is happening for all themes. I’m trying to import what I can from my old website and part of it is there part isn’t. Main thing missing are the background pic which I thought you load in the banner section but nothing happening. I used to load with RWmultitool custom photos but that doesn’t exist anymore I guess cause of this drag and drop but it’s not working. HELP!! Thank you all in advance for taking the time to read and advise!

A lot depends on the theme you are using.

Thanks Joe, I’m trying to use Archetypon’s Photographos IV

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