Banners keep disappearing

Every time I reopen my project, my banners have disappeared. And I have to re insert them page by page to be able to preview.

The images in ‘resources’ have disappeared also. Each jpg image replaced by a big ‘?’.

Is this a theme problem? I believe the theme is called ‘Artful’.

These are the pop-up error messages I receive. The latter appears upon opening the project.

Invalid Banner

Error: You have specified to use a banner but have not provided one.

Try adding the site banner to the Site Setup area again.


Rapidweaver has detected missing resources in this project

Please review the files below. You may scan a folder to locate them, relink them or remove them if they are no longer required.


Not All resources are available

If you’d rather not resolve these now, you can re-run this check by choosing the “Show Missing Resources” menu item in the “View” menu.


This is the message present in the Master Style page:

Notice : fread(): read of 8192 bytes failed with errno=21 Is a directory in /private/var/folders/47/6m5k34vn2199n2zxlrq07p4c0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/39E7B46A-FB23-4708-AE4A-A4D45B12430E/d/

Kinda strange that error has AppTranslocation in the path. Have you moved RapidWeaver from your Downloads folder to your Applications folder? Or did you open RapidWeaver from the Downloads folder first, then move it over to the Applications folder after you had already opened it?

RapidWeaver needs to run from your Applications folder. Things can go wrong when you try to run it from any other folder.

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It looks like I did that.

I just now found RW Classic in my downloads folder and moved it to the Applications folder.

Tried opening. same problem, but dropped new banner images into the side pane-closed and re-opened - but same problem of banners disappeared.

Any ideas what else I could do?

I think I sorted it. have re-linked the images in the resources pane. That seems to have worked so far.

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Great, happy to hear that fixed it. If you have any other problems let us know.

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