Best Contact Form Solution For Foundation

When using Foundation what are people using for a contact form? Because Foundation is essentially a blank page and the built-in RW contact form takes its styling from a theme, it looks bad when Foundation is applied. How to work around this? Or is it perhaps better to use a third party product rather than the very basic Built-in RW form?

I use the Foundation form stacks and i only miss the new google captcha feature. But it is an addon. Still worth the pay.

I don’t think I have ever used a non stacks page in RW … Even for a contact form.

I’ve been extremely impressed by the Joe Workman Foundation Form stacks, so I’d suggest checking them out. I can also recommend FormSnap by YabDab. Good things are to be read about Formloom, also by YabDab but I have never used it myself.

Other options are third party HTML/CSS form frameworks like QUForm and SkyForms Pro… They are both cheap and fabulous … But you have to put considerably more work into it with those.

At the other end of the scale is MachForms by AppNitro… That’s the gold standard really. Integrating those forms into RW is just copy/paste.

Perhaps the correct answer for you depends on what you need your forms to do. The more specific you can be the more specific we can be.

Thanks for the responses gentlemen. I will pursue the forms stack in Foundation first.

I was thinking it was just for forms people could fill out online and not the much simpler task of a basic contact me form so thanks for setting me straight.

I get on well with Doobox HTML Contact Form that I used in a Foundation site with no problems.

Thanks. I have that stack as well. Can’t use it due to a limitation at my hosting company (which with be fixed soon I’m told). Good to know that it behaves well within Foundation however. Thanks for your cinput.

Hi ashleykaryl. Does this use your existing email or do you have to use doobox as a default email ?