*** Black Friday Discount ***

The most advanced RapidWeave Grid / Column Stack ever created *** CHALLENGE ME **’ on Black Friday Sale + the iStack >> Discount Code = blackfriday (only friday) > http://defligra.com

Theres no Grid Stack like the GoGrid Stack (!).
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8… 50 columns.

Same width?
% 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 ?
% 25 + 50 + 25 ?
% 50 + 75 ?
% 25 + 30 + 10 + 10 + 25 ?

You choose!
And then you change it for your flexible BreakPoints (!)

One with a different width?
One with a background color?
One with a background image?

It flows with your RapidWeaver Stack page.

I really hate Black Friday offers, so I really don’t do 'em… I often spend too much money! So… this black friday sale – I just got carried away. Won’t happen again.

Best | DeFligra | http://defligra.com
Mac’O’Holic | Stack’O’Holic | Web’O’Holic


I’ve never seen your stacks before - just checked out your site and decided to buy however a few issues:

Layout bundle says $25, though in checkout it comes up as $30.

Then when trying to pay I got the error ‘correlation id null’. When trying again it won’t allow paypal checkout.

It’s ok, upon 4th attempt paypal went through (though no confirmation just a reload to homepage).

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Glad it worked – at the end.

The web is a cumbersome matter – I think.

I use – like most RW Stacks developers – Cartloom.

But in a payment process we have a lot of players:

Website > Cart Solution > Payment Solution

And we have the internet that sometimes come and go…

Selling software is a tough business. // Sometimes.

Best | DeFligra | www.defligra.com
Mac’O’Holic | Stack’O’Holic | Web’O’Holic

Yes it definitely seemed to be a paypal>cart loom issue.

Glad you like your business - it would be boring if all easy :wink:

I’m not as visible as I have been, but been around since RapidWeaver 3.
Expect to be around for RapidWeaver XX.

Best | DeFligra | http://defligra.com
Mac’O’Holic | Stack’O’Holic | Web’O’Holic

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