Browser titles, folders and file names SOLVED

So I’ve put in a browser title for each page (having read the Realmac blog on SEO) re-uploaded the pages but they don’t appear in the browser titles? the only thing that appears is the page name or folder, not the browser title. Any ideas?
Browser title entered is Food Forest NZ - Home (no folder), file name: index.html

Sorry, I just reread your post…
browser titles are shown when searching in Google… your folder title is what you see in the url.
like here are what mine look like:

Here are your folder/browser titles:

I see it on my iOS tablet, it’s there

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Thank you all. It seems to be working now. I searched for ways to delete posts but there doesnt seem to be an option.

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We don’t delete posts. The forum is here for all of us to learn. Someone else might read yours and have an “a-ha” moment :):grinning:

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Ok I understand. All help was appreciated.

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