Bugs in the rapidweaver site

A) ar http://rapidweavercommunity.com the support link (at the bottom) appears to be dead
b) I want to upgrade to silver membership but the paypal option does not works and when I choose “credit card” (with valid creditentials, needless to say) I am told that the email does not match. Duh?
And no, I do not have the silver membership already.
bad bad bad


Hey Francois, we really have no control over that here in the forums, you’re best bet is to contact support@realmacsoftware.com.

Regarding the support site link, the site is under re-development for new version of RW launch (date unknown), so we expect that to come live again once RW7 is launched. No harm in asking support though @dan, @bon !


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Thanks. what I was looking for in the support link was the support email.