I recently purchased RW. I am using blocks to build a site and would like input on how to ensure the site will format correctly on a computer and also on a phone. Is it simply a matter of switching between views on the publish screen ie… phone, tablet and computer? Then, adjust the dimensions of the blocks until they all fit on various devices? Also, I am using the “Foundations” theme so that I’m not locked into the dimensions of a prefab theme. (https://joeworkman.net/rapidweaver/themes/foundation/)
Maybe you did a typo, but Blocks is very old and I’m not sure it really plays nice with Foundation. Bottom line: if you’re going to use Foundation then you really need Stacks.
Stacks3 is a must… I consider Stacks3 mandatory. Purchase it now. I’m converting a 1200 page site to ALL stacks pages. Use Stacks as much as you can.
Stacks3 “add on” stacks will allow you to build mobile friendly sites and you will also have “partials” which I also consider mandatory. You will do yourself a favor by learning before you really build. Get Stacks3 then obtain a bunch of free and demo stacks. Learn how to build mobile friendly sites and then take the time to learn Partials (built into Stacks3). After you understand these things THEN buy the stacks you want and begin to build your site. Understanding these things are important BEFORE you start your real site. Also take the time to learn about THEMES in RapidWeaver. The correct use of theme styles is very important and you want to understand that from the beginning too.
No, I really am using blocks. I’m testing out stacks now. Is there a rule of thumb to be aware of when using stacks to ensure the site is compatible with multiple devices?
Foundation will take care of that for you, just keep in mind foundation is “Mobile First” in its core design, so this will determine how columns stack etc. for different viewport sizes.
Joe Workman has plenty of Foundation videos out there, I would highly suggest you spend a little time watching them to get an understanding of how it works.
In general you do not need to worry about various Stacks being responsive. The key, instead, is whether the theme you are using is responsive. There might be a very small number of stacks out there that are non-responsive but they’d be hard to find/buy at this point!
If you are using Foundation then you are in good shape (as Scott mentioned). But there are also plenty of other themes these days that are responsive. I’d guess well over 90% of them are.
But as Scott also mentioned the specifics of “how” that responsiveness is implemented and the implications for designing a website are definitely different for some themes (Foundation, Foundry, and some others) relative to the approach most themes take.