Changing Banner Images Ain't Easy

I started to write a new question, and “Your topic is similar to…” came up with a question I asked a year ago and wasn’t answered: Banner Image RW7

Rapidweaver Multitool worked for a while (it’s a separate program) but it hasn’t been updated for RW 7, and won’t open *.rw projects.

Changing the banner can be done from the main settings window, but unfortunately this setting is often overridden by the theme. And you can’t change the theme’s image easily:

First you have to find them. They’re cunningly hidden, nine levels down from root. I had to do a Google search to figure out how to copy the path, it’s so long: /Users/pendejo/Library/Containers/com.realmacsoftware.rapidweaver/Data/Library/Application Support/RapidWeaver/Themes

Because banner (jumbotron) images are so important in today’s web, it would be nice to be able them easily.

In my experience it’s entirely dependant on the theme. Some newer themes support the Banner Over-ride option built into RW7, others come with a selection of built-in banners for you to choose from and instructions on how to replace them with your own. You may have to dig a little into the documentation, but it’s usually pretty straightforward.

Is there a particular theme that’s giving you problems?


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From your original thread I assume you are using Voyager? I just created a new project with voyager and dragged images in on a couple of pages - they both changed immediately - as they should.

As robbeattie says, some themes don’t support the drag and drop feature in RW7 and you would need to look at individual documentation to see how they work. I have used dozens of themes and banner changing has never been an issue

What file types are you using? I have tried jpg, png, tiff and giff - which all work. However I doubt native formats such as photoshop, pixelmator etc will.