(This was posted in another thread but not read.)
I’m using So I followed Dave Farrants’ instructions, renamed an image and put it in the Editable Images folder of the my theme’s package contents. I previously put 2 other images in there and they show up as Banners 3 and 4. The new image is now called banner 5, and if I look at it in the finder it appears just like banners 3 and 4. But when I choose banner 5 in the master style tab, I don’t get my new Banner 5; I get the one that shipped with the theme. What’s going on? Where is that original banner image stored?
I also changed the theme’s extension from .rwtheme to .rapidweavertheme according to a suggestion from the support folks at RWmultitool. That had no effect, and RWmultitool still tells me that the theme folder is empty.
So also: where does RW7 store themes?
I’m using RW 7.2.2 and the theme UPLIFT from Pressure Designs (now defunct, but the theme still works except for this).
Any suggestions appreciated.