Changing font size

Is there a way to choose font and size easily rather than using Cmd +/-. In an old version of stacks you could highlight text and click to get a drop down menu. Thank you for your time. Dave

Hey @DaveBussey,

There were a lot of posts over on our old forum Circle about this. Stacks version 4.3.0 removed the ability to modify fonts from the contextual menu when highlighting text. Not sure why.

The ability to modify fonts like you are used to is still available in Stacks version 4.2.5, and it’s also available in the most current version of Stacks (5.x).

If you are not ready to upgrade to version 5, you can download and install the previous version of Stacks (4.2.5) from this page on the Stacks website.

Fixed. Thank you so much for taking the trouble to reply


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