Changing website names

Is there a way to change the name of a website in Rapidweaver. I would like to give it the proper name, not the silly name I picked when starting.

What “name” of a website are you talking about? The URL (web address) and default Title are in settings.

Sorry to be slow but this is a one page site and this is the name I want to change so it is descriptive. Don’t see that in settings. Can I just change in dropbox? Will that corrupt anything?


That’s the project file name, just make sure it’s closed and rename it in finder. I would be careful about keeping a project file in Dropbox, some folks do it others have had problems. Add-ons folder is Okay to keep in Dropbox, but projects files get updated and saved all the time.


I would like to just pile on to @teefers comment about Dropbox. You can use it to share project files, but don’t keep your working copy there. You’re asking for trouble.

Thank you for weighing in. The last thing I want to do is lose files. I went to Dropbox because of this from the Rapidweaver manual:

By default, RapidWeaver follow’s Apple’s guidelines regarding where to store these files. However, if you find yourself needing frequent access to the contents of the folder, you may want to consider using the Addons preferences to change the folder’s location.

Note: If you use RapidWeaver on multiple Macs, you may find it useful to store the Addons folder in a location such as Dropbox. If you do choose this location, we strongly advise against using RapidWeaver on two machines concurrently.

The default location is “Managed by RapidWeaver”, which is a hidden folder within your user account: ~/Library/Containers/com.realmacsoftware.rapidweaver/Data/Library/ Application Support/RapidWeaver. If you wish to choose an alternative location, this must be configured using RapidWeaver - you should not attempt to use any third-party apps (or commands) that may offer this.

Would the collective wisdom of the forum simply be the one should not try to use two Macs. There I no possibility of using two at once as I am the only user.


Addons folder is fine It only gets updated when you add or update stacks. Project files should be getting saved all the time by you.

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I use Dropbox for all my addons and for my projects. I’ve never had a problem in several years of usage with this setup. But there are key things to keep in mind:

  1. The “other” computer may not have finished, or even begun, syncing with Dropbox when you first open it. You do need to make sure all files are updated first. Otherwise you will run into problems.
  2. Backups. They are your friend. For many reasons that go well beyond Dropbox. I have RW setup to back up to my server once a day. Works great.
  3. Archives. This is really a kind of backup. When I am developing a new site I will typically create a new project file (duplicate) every 2-5 days. They get sensible time-related names: my-project-2018-08-09 for example. At a point when my design is in good shape they I typically get rid of all these archives. Keep in mind the archives also get saved to my server!

Dropbox can be a great friend. But it’s no different from driving a car. If you don’t know where the brake pedal is, or how to use it, you are simply inviting trouble. And sooner rather than later! But used sensibly there’s no reason not to work on files across 2 computers (although not at the same time).

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Thanks for this really good explanation. And I would not have thought about the other computer not being updated - so great information.

Given the magnitude and importance of new project I am starting, I don’t have my own Server and backup on Backblaze but since I also have the files on my computer I can get them that way. But I like your idea of doing an archive file every few days as well.

Thanks for the great feedback.


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