Chrome Issues with topbar

I have one page that Chrome refuses to see Foundation 5 Topbar correctly on. Works in every other browser and the other pages. No amount of cache clearing seems seems to help. What am I missing here?

Might help if you can tell us what’s not working correctly.

Thanks for responding.
The 2 screen shots attached have the exact same settings for the topbar and tbs menus stacks but the pages render them differently.
The white text in the menu is actually dropped down into the white background. And now I think I’ve tracked it down to mu computer and not the other 3 in the office.

Seems to work fine in Edge, Firefox, Safari and Sea Monkey but not on my computer. Going crazy.



Screen Shot 2020-08-13 at 5.24.03 PM.png

Screen Shot 2020-08-13 at 5.16.09 PM.png


I looked on my iPad (safari) and the menu looks like it works.

Thank you Doug,

I really have no idea what is going on with my computer.
Not that old but not good.

Maybe it’s my excuse to get a new one, assuming RW works well with whatever OS the new ones come with.



What version of Chrome do you have? Your page works for me on the latest version of Chrome. Here is a screenshot:

Hi Robert,

Just updated today and have Version 84.0.4147.125 (Official Build) (64-bit).

It’s good to know at least the viewers are seeing what I intended even though I can’t. Making hard to do updates though.

Thanks, I’m getting ready to delette the Chrome app and relaod it it just to see if what that does.
Let you know.



I told you I would let you know the outcome. Checking the Chrome preferences I had set it on “larger” text for some reason. When I reset it to “medium”. My menu bar is back! Even the topbar settings were the same on all pages it was strange only that 1 page that kept being a problem. Thanks for your input.

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Glad to hear!!

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