Clean URLs for Ecwid Store

Hi there I’m having trouble getting the clean URLs to work for my Ecwid store. I have followed the instructions on the Ecwid site and read through the other two threads on here but can’t get mine working.
My .htaccess is in the root folder /public_html and then my Ecwid store in in another folder /shop/index.htm
(for some reason the Ecwid plugin truncates it to index.htm rather than html) still works though.
My .htaccess is edited to:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^shop/index/.*$ index.htm

Pasted the integration code into the body tab in rapidweaver
The clean url works until the page is refreshed then I get invalid URL same if I copy and past the url into another browser page. Any help would be much appreciated.
Anyone know how to fix this? I seen that @bon was going to make a video but I can’t see it. I ended up taking the code out and putting the .htaccess back to blank as I didn’t like the way it was behaving.

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