What stack is this web designer using for the sidebar (on desktop) in this page?
I’ d like to do something like that: basically a sort of accordion stack that on click it scrolls directly to the content on that page.
Any help about a stack, or a way, to do that would be appreciated.
I’m pretty sure it’s MagicGellan2. I’ve used it in the past in situations like this. It’s a suite of stacks that can do many things. It does say it’s only for Foundation, but the bits you need might work without it.
I think it is much easier than that. If you look in the source code, you can see the headlines/links like “Itinerario in breve”, “dettagli del prezzo” and so on are just header pro stacks with a link set to an anchor ("#itinerario"). This corresponds with a text stack in the main content area that has <h3 id="itinerario">Itinerario</h3>
as a header.
Then you just need the smooth scroll effect and you’re there.
@Adri12 I’ve done the same thing as that page using 2 stacks:
Stacks4Stacks Jump stack
Joe Workman’s Glider stack
The combo of those 2 stacks is easy to implement. As others indicated there are other ways to accomplish this, but wanted to toss in another alternative.
I set the link to an anchor that correspond to the the text stack (thanks a lot for the code by the way). It works, but obviously there is no scrolling effect that leads to it.
Do you know how I can create a smooth scrolling effect?
There is a Smooth scroll stack by Marathia and I think another one by Barz. I don’t know if they are still available, you might want to check in the RapidWeaver add-ons section!
Markus Frieauff
Hinter Sundheim 12
55283 Nierstein