I am a novice at this but back in RW 5 I created a website for our small club. I now have converted to RW6 with a new theme and purchased the Stacks add-on. I would like to make the sidebar “sticky” so it does not scroll with the page. I got the “sticky” stack but I don’t know how to convert my homepage to a stacks page to use the “sticky” stack. How does one go about copying or converting an existing page to a stacks page? I had built the page with RW as kind of a blog page when I just add new event text using RW as time goes on. I want the sidebar to not scroll while the text in the blog scrolls. Thanks for your help.
@Dano, basically, you have to recreate each page using a Stacks page not a standard or plug-in page, create your site layout using stacks (headers, paragraphs, images, etc) that you’re able to manipulate with the Theme, then copy the content from the original to the new stacks page, and away you go.
Be aware some themes don’t support stacks easily other than those specified in the theme description when you purchased it (ymmv). Developers are getting very much better at sharing ideas and making sure their Themes work with others stacks.
@dan, perhaps someone can make a video since this is a common question?
Ok Thanks! I will give it a try. I understand “copying” the text and I guess images into the stack from the old blog type pages but my sidebar has links to outside sites. I created them using the inspector in RW, how do I go about copying them to a stacks page? Is there such a thing as a sidebar stack? Using RW’s options in the inspector was pretty simple for the sidebar but will I be giving up all that when I go to a stacks page? Any general wiki or something to explain these basics of RW pages vs. Stacks?
- List item
A video would be nice! Any videos that deal with the basics behind the stacks vrs. the RW type pages? Stacks looks great but I don’t understand the relationship between RW option and stacks?
@Dano, some theme’s come with a sidebar, some do not.
There is specific Sidebar stacks in the Foundations Package by Joe Workman and the BootSnap Package by YabDab.
Using the sidebar on the page inspector you created the html links, then you can copy them verbatim into a stack as depending on how you created them (markup or html), make sure to use the same sort of stack.
As for a fixed sidebar, that is theme specific, you might be able to mess with the css but that is beyond me.
I suggest go to YouTube, do a search for Stacks 3, you will find some video’s on there from Joe Workman and others regarding Stacks 3 (AMAZEBALLS - @joeworkman words…!)
If you are using Foundation, be sure to check out Pin by Big White Duck (it can be used in non-Foundation themes too, but not in the sidebar). As that will make things Sticky.