I am so happy to announce the next big thing in building websites with RapidWeaver. I present you with my CMS for RapidWeaver… http://cms.joeworkman.net/
Its pretty crazy how this all started on a Hangout that I was doing with users about a year ago. I did a proof of concept on the fly using Foundation forms and some custom php… obviously what it is now, does even come close to resembling what that was. But I am very happy with how its all turned out.
CMS looks very good, personally I find it a pity that the license for total cms is for one domain. There’s probably a good reason for this. Why not a base of € 100,- and a increment of € 20,- per domain?
On the other hand. If the CMS is used for web pages where a customer paid a lot of money for. It is fully justified that the designer of the CMS shares a bit in it here. Perhaps the CMS is designed just for this group of customers?
Is part of the product run through an external source? That would make some sense for the per domain pricing as it would create some running overhead for each “license” sold. Beyond that the restriction does seem odd.
No matter if you like the product or not, or if you think the price is too high or appropriate: Every developer is able to decide freely for himself which licensing options he chooses.
Outside of the RW community it is more common to charge a different price for multiple domains / websites in regards to a single domain / website. Take some of the WP themes as example, or JavaScript plugins.
I’ve just spent a few hours applying it to an existing site, this one: www.dma-ni.com where its supposed to handle the choice of images for the landing page, the choice of images for the 3 Superflex stack(s) on the home page and manage aspects of the individual architectural projects on the Portfolio page and…
IT’S (expletive!!) BRILLIANT
Here’s 3 screen shots of my edit page, I’m using Joe’s Tabulous to seperate the various pages for clarity.
Welcome Tab - For the Landing/Welcome page: https://infinit.io//UFLUKCu
Home Tab - For the Home Page: https://infinit.io//36J4FsY
Projects Tab - For the projects (durrr): https://infinit.io/_/4bf2z8q
I’m especially pleased with the Project eCMS stuff as it not only affects the contenr of the individual Project Pages but it also changes the filter/sort settings in the Barz filter stack used on the Portfolio Page.
I could have done more with TotalCMS but I’ve deliberately limited myself to EasyCMS so that I can find the point at which I’d need Total…I haven’t quite found it yet
@joeworkman eCMS (and by extension) tCMS are AMAZEBALLS…well done