Collections Error

I am using a collection and try to do somehting similiar like with the linklist.

In Safari Preview I get this:

In Elements it shows up:

When publishing it, its the same like in the Safari Preview

It might just be a coding error in your component somewhere (or it might be us :grimacing:). Can you share the devpack with us and we can take a look?

You can email it to

done. Send it.

Looks like google does not want to send it. I try to zip it. In case you get more then one email now sorry :face_with_peeking_eye:

Hey @Beblebroks,

I’ve tested it here and it renders the HTML just fine in Safari :thinking:

Can you try removing and re-adding the component to the page? I’m wondering if it got a little funky while you were developing it…

If you still get the issue can you send me the test project showing the issue?


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Adding and readding still gives the same error. Maybe its the beta version that I am using and in the new one its fixed? I can try with the new beta and give you a feedback.

How strange, give it a try with the new beta tomorrow and if it still doesn’t work send over the project. We’ll get to the bottom of this :muscle:

Hi @dan,

I might figured out the problem. As long as my collection is not part of a “Globals” component it works. In the screenshot I have 2 times each component. Above “Global” below just a component on the page.

Behaves differently.


Ah-ha! That sounds like a bug then, I’ll add it to the list!

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Also something i found (Testing now not in Global anymore)

The “visible” props, does not have any effect when used in a collection. Works in the normal props so.

Visible isn’t currently hooked up for collection items as it’s a fairly complex problem to solve. For now, you should be able to use “enable” instead.

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