Contact Form not working with RW 8.2.1 and Depth Theme

Hello, I am using the Depth Theme and RW 8.2.1. I recently switched hosts to A2 Hosting and now my contact form is not working. Anyone filling out the contact form THINKS they have sent me an email, but I have received none. I have experimented and done about a dozen attempts, and I cannot get any emails from the contact form. The website is Any ideas? Thanks.

On the store page the cookie message won’t go away even after you acknowledge it.

If you switched hosting, did you also adjust your email sending parameters? The new host may require a slightly different email configuration.

Thank you, Nick. I think I have fixed the contact page but I am still having significant problems with the store page. Thank you for noticing. I am working with foreground, but still no success. There are a few problems with the store. I have tinkered with many of the settings - updating them - but still no success. Thanks again.

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