Contact popup - which stack?

I’d like a stack – I’m sure I’ve seen these somewhere – where there is a constant envelope at the side and it’s on every page so you can very easily click through to contact. Could someone let me know what this is?

Many thanks.

I like the way Glider (by Joe Workman) works. It provides the aesthetics and you’d just need to pop in whichever contact form stack you prefer.

maybe this:

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I use Glider and Contact Form by DooBox now for our site - but in the past I have used Formsnap Jr by Yabdab - it has the feature you want - see here:

@rolisize Yabdab no longer sells KickSnap, surprised you found that page.

yeah just noticed…damn google :slight_smile:

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I’ve never seen that Sticky Nav stack before. Looks pretty slick!

Whoops - looks like they don;t sell FormSnap Jr. either. You can check the Glider and Contact Form combo on our website if you wish:

Thanks - that’s basically exactly what I want. I have Contact Form – do you just put the stack inside the Glider stack and then PlusKit it to every page?

Yes, I just put the Contact Form stack inside the Glider stack on the page. We got a single page site but I think the Glider docs here will answer your questions about adding it to multiple pages:

I use Glider for most of my sites, but @defligra sells a nice slide-out stack too. You can see an example on this page for example: click the Make A Difference button.