Cookieless domain with warehoused images in ProGallery 2 directory of images

This is from the CloudFlare help area:

All your files earlier failed this test( the same test I showed you above). I checked more than your jpeg file, and they all failed that test. Also CloudFlare (at least the one you manage from CloudFlare, all use HTTP/2, not 1.1. HTTP/2 will give you a huge bump in performance once CloudFlare has cached your files.

He is right in that the score card (x) will not count CloudFlare as a CDN provider for these files. I don’t think you care about score card ratings, but the performance of your site. I don’t think CloudFlare is working on your site.

You could try to “turn it off” on your cPanel and see if the server names change. As I said, I have never used the cPanel option. The free account is so easy to set up that always the way I have done it.

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I think you’re right that it’s not working. Waiting to hear from Greg again.

I would try removing the domain from CloudFlare from within the control panel and re-adding it. That should get it to re-sync the zone. There is a button ‘remove domain from cloud flare’ to remove it.

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thanks, Greg. I will try that.