Attached you can find a picture how I would like to install my cookies on my website.
I would like to make it over the whole screen where is a button which will show accept and a hyperlink to read the privacy.
The cookie stack should be over the whole screen and will block the website. Until pressing the button then you will get whole access for the website.
Meiner Ansicht nach darf die Verweigerung von Cookies/Tracking nicht zu einer Benachteiligung führen. Also mit Werbung weiterlesen ist Ok. Aber für das Tracking braucht es dann eine eigene Zustimmung. Wenn die Tracking-Cookies deaktiviert sind, muss die Webseite trotzdem zu nutzen sein.
Vielleicht vorher noch einmal mit dem RA abstimmen, bevor das live geht?
The Cookie Consent modal in Privacy Center won’t allow access to the website unless the visitor either accepts cookies, rejects cookies, or sets their preferences in Privacy Settings.
All the text, colors, fonts, and sizes can be changed to match your website and the popup modals are keyboard and screen-reader accessible.
Alright, thanks a lot for your detailed reply @kennerty.
One more question, what is if i am using Google Analytics and will this stack detect if the user select accept or reject the different cookies. And will the stack then start collecting this datas is accepted or stop doing it when it is rejected?
You can add your analytics code to the analytics category so the user can enable or disable analytics in the Privacy Settings preferences. If disabled, you won’t receive analytics data.
Also, if you’re using Google Tag Manager to manage Google Analytics and/or Google Ads, Privacy Center is compatible with GTM Consent Mode.