I’ve been breaking my brain over an effect an important client of mine saw on this website (https://www.tbrandstudio.com/projects/allbirds-the-view-from-above/) and asked me to do something similar. It’s the section with the birds where one part of the site covers a previous part (right above the 3 smartphones). It seems a parallax or accordion effect which is triggered on scroll.
Any suggestions? Existing Stacks?
I work with RW 8.7, most recent version of Stacks and my site in question is built around Foundry (Thunder and Potion). I’m not a programmer but have build solid sites since RW 5.
If you’re taking about overlapping sections on scroll, I haven’t tried on foundry but try using a couple of banner stacks with parallax option, I use sections pro from big white duck and have done that effect with his stack
@rolisize, thanks! I will check that one out. Browsed trough a lot of stacks the last few days, but didn’t find anything useful. Foundry accepts most of the 3rd party stacks, so I will give it a try.
@Pyrobrit. I kinda abandoned Heroic Banner, had some issues with the upgrade. I’ll install the OLD one again and see what I can do with it. Thanks for the great advise.
@rolisize. Just downloaded Sections Pro. I’ll see what I can do with it. It’s not just the parallax effect I need (I’ve got several stacks which do that), it’s the 5 ‘slides’ who appear on top of each other by scrolling. Anyway, the website I refer to shows it better than I can explain.
This is a slider that is using scrolling to transition from one slide to another. The 5 slides are all videos.
BTW: the page is enormous. over 20MB’s, although it doesn’t seem that slow because of using lazy loading (and a megabit internet connection). But it’s a bandwidth hog.
you set me on the right track. Thanks! I figured out that the trigger was ‘scrolling’. Now I just need to find the slider that does this for me.
And yes, all the spinoff sites of the NY Times are enormous beasts. Anyway, the ‘bird’ content isn’t my style, it was only the slider effect I was looking for.