I’m struggling to make use of the CSS classes in the HTML property pane of the stacks.
To try out how it works I added a text stack.
In the CSS of the page I have this:
Following on from what @teefers has correctly said, there are a couple of ways towards applying an italic font style. You can use the rich text editing controls in Stacks, wrap the content inside HTML <em> and </em> tags, or use a Markdown stack and wrap your content between asterisk * marks.
If I understand correctly, you can also use the classes method and assign your stack a class name:
(Click on the screenshots if you need to see them larger).
You may be curious to know what !important does. People often ask me this!
There’s a good explanation here:
This declaration works to force the element to take this style and override any inheritance from elsewhere (like a theme or another stack).
It can sometimes be the difference between CSS code working, or not! So it’s sometimes worth a try, if your CSS is correct but it does not seem to take effect. One of the slightly more confusing aspects of CSS.
Sorry for the misunderstanding I created. I just mentioned the text formatting as an example to explain what I’m trying to do. The CSS classes is something I want to learn more about, see also the screenshot, and maybe the text example was not the best I could give. What I want to know is how I have to use the CSS classes to my advantage.
But from the example Will gave in his reply I can see I made a mistake bij typing in the class. I typed in class=“italic” in the field and now I se it just has to be the class without the Class’“”.