Anyone know of a tutorial for how to code a custom Top Bar in Foundation?
Would like two menus with a logo in-between so need to manually decide which pages each Top Bar menu picks up. I can see how to select the option in Top Bar but my coding isn’t very good and attempts so far are not working.
Thanks Scott - I played with this earlier but made elementary errors (I really must spend some time learning a little code!) so it didn’t work. Have now seen the error of my ways and all is well.
Looking ahead however, it’s occurring to me that, if I use 2 top bar menus (with a logo in centre), when we get down to mobile size there will be 2 hamburger menus. If I’m correct, would the workaround be to create a 3rd Top Bar which is the entire menu and only show it on mobile devices - whilst disabling the two previous top bars on mobile?
I don’t think it’s a good idea to use two TopBar menus I seem to remember reading that it causes issues.
but, if you want to give it a go then yes, create one specifically for mobile.
My aim is to try and have a top bar menu on the left and on the right with a large logo in the middle. I figured the best way is to have 2 top bar menus, manually coded to achieve this. My concern is that, on mobiles, I will then have 2 hamburger buttons.