Dev Diary Ep16 - Create a Webpage in Seconds!

Hey Weavers,

We have another great update for you this week! In today’s video I show off a new feature that allows you to put together a webpage in seconds.

I also demo the new debug console in the custom Elements editor, and if that’s not enough, I share details about two huge new features we’ll be revealing in the coming weeks.

We can’t wait to hear what you think about today’s announcement.

I’ll be back next Tuesday as usual.

Dan & Team Realmac


Holy cow! Game changer! Beginners start with these predesigned elements and then grow into the Pro features.

Here are my suggestions :slight_smile:



The code editor debug log is a nice touch!

As for the name of the new pre-built elements, something like ‘compounds’, ‘composites’, ‘assemblies’ or ‘prefabs’ (my fave) might work.

You could also just call the pre-built elements ‘elements’ and rename the base elements to something like ‘nodes’, ‘blocks’, ‘fragments’, etc. That said, I think I prefer the base elements to use the name elements (it’s how they’re referred to in HTML) and use another name for the pre-built elements. Again, my fave is ‘prefab’.

Naming is hard. :slight_smile:


Hi Dan
Great idea and very helpful to me. I am one of those who people you describe who want to create semi-customized web presence but without fully immersing myself in design.

This might be enough to get me re-engaged in using RapidWeaver.

You mentioned that you didn’t know what to call the new elements. How about Widgets or Design Widgets? (They have a look and feel that remeinds me of Apple’s widges for the desktop)

Thanks again for the useful video.

Best regards
Bill Bellows


I like the sound of “Prefab Elements” :thinking:


Combine “Prefab Elements” with “Base Elements” and you have a clear delineation between the two element types. :thinking:

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I really Like the idea of the prebuild Elements of components, a bit like prebuilt partials. A very nice way to get you started. if you wanted to fiddle with these in a more elaborate way at some point, would it be possible to “unpack” those components?

I really like where this going!

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No, these new Elements are pre-built designs so you can’t unpack them.

This is where our “Layouts” feature comes into play, we’ve not demoed it yet, but it’s very flexible and in some way is the missing last piece of the web design puzzle. More on that soon :wink:


Hmmm… so in reality, these predesigned things are basically just stacks. So your looking for something that is a combination of elements, ie. like a molecule - so maybe epacks.

If this is just a way to allow filtering in the library, then maybe just assign a tag like ‘custom’ to RMS & 3rd-party predesigned elements and leave the element name alone. FYI - it is confusing to have to talk about different names to newcomers & everyone will be a newcomer this time around.


Great show!

If I start with a pre-built Element, can I add individual Elements to it. Like and additional text block?

Also can I edit the ARIA or alt tags in the prebuilt?

No, you’ll need to use the big boy Pro Elements for things like that!

We’ll provide fields for image alt tags, and we plan to have sensible ARIA tags baked in.
Again, for full control you’ll want to use the pro Elements.

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These new Elements are pre-built designs so you can’t unpack them. However, this is where our “Layouts” feature comes into play, we’ve not demoed it yet, but it’s very flexible and would allow you to fully customise everything. Stay tuned!

This makes sense.

Maybe we’ll just stick with calling all of them “Elements” as that’s what they are!

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What about “Sections”

Using “Sections” might be even more confusing are there are also section ‘base elements’ if I recall. I do think that a distinction is needed between the base elements, and the pre-built ‘composite elements’ as the ability to further ‘compose’ pre-built elements is removed (if I read that correctly), and if somebody wanted to change the structure of a pre-built element (beyond what is exposed in the inspector) they would need to create an entirely new version of it themselves.

I like the idea of being able to decompose pre-built elements as it could provide a nice way for folks to learn (similar to a view source), but it would likely remove incentive for 3rd party developers to create custom pre-built components if they could simply be ‘decompiled’, exposing all of their hard work.

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How about Contructs?

Compounds was going to be my suggestion too. It keeps the chemistry reference going… it makes sense to me that you are combining “elements” to create “compounds”, which can then be thrown quickly together into the recipe for a good website.


Compounds … perfect analogy!

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I might be mistaken, but aren’t there three types of elements?

  1. Base elements which includes basic headings, sections, flex, images, text, etc.
  2. Custom elements created by the user which are composed of collections of base elements to create reuseable and editable objects.
  3. Premade elements which are created by Realmac or 3rd parties which can easily be dropped into a page/project and provide customization via the property inspector, but are unable to be edited by the user; ie: black boxes.

I think ‘base elements’ works well for the basic set of elements/building blocks.

‘Custom elements’ are a bit confusing as they are more compound elements (or collections of base elements), than simply custom elements - which could also be interpreted as custom base elements.

‘Premade elements’ are also custom elements, but they are not typically created by the user, and are not editable collections/compounds like custom elements.

For me, the names that make sense are; base elements, compound elements, and prefab elements.

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