Dev Diary Ep26 - New Elements Icon?!

Hey Weavers,

In today’s video we reveal the all new Elements for macOS icon. We love this new look and direction, and hope you’ll come to love it as much as we do :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

We’re really proud of how Elements is coming together, and it won’t be long now until we ship the first beta :shushing_face: If you have any thoughts or questions about the new icon (please be kind) or anything else in Elements, please post them below!

Dan & Team Realmac


WOW! This new Elements icon is outstanding!

PDF icons! Brilliant!

Now get those t-shirts and coffee/tea cups going so we can stand proud and brag!


excellent cool

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It looks different! Not recognisable as a Rapidweaver icon immediately, but I see what’s going on with and in the icon. Would be interesting to see how this evolves!

Nice tees!


Feather pen, stack of elements, or puzzle pieces? I really like that it is so suggestive, but not requiring a specific notion of what the shapes represent. Good work!


Uhhhhhh… the test of whether an icon works is if it somehow links to the product use or name.
Colors: just fine, smooth gloss
Shape: ok, nested things inside of one another

The front-most (white) thing, since it’s closer, needs a bit more detail & not being on the same orthogonal plane as the other things is distracting from the design. Opportunity to somehow show some reference back to a web element or maybe even the curvy ‘e’

I think you are very close just need a little something to tell a little bit more ‘story’

Thanks & keep going.


Mostly usualness comment, but your square grid icon (not pallets) doesn’t quite align totally on the internal spacing. One square is a different size :). Other than that its a cool demo of how to get pdf icons working!

I love its simplicity and uniqueness. It will, in time, build its own identity and brand. Absolutely love it just the way it is.

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Looks like a nice icon Dan! Modern and I’m glad you made something different as elements is turning out to be quite unique!

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Like it! Cool thing!

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Excellent icon!

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Oh, now that was well caught, it was literally 1pixel out :+1:
Look out for the fixed icon in the next video :rofl:


You know I was looking around and I found this:


Now this is a GOOD icon ! When I saw it, it really spoke to me as modern, sleek, capable, unique, implies the name of the product and sets a positive illustration for brand recognition.


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Great find Bill. I could see this or a derivative of for Elements Packs. Pretty cool! Glad your going to be around as a developer!

Really like it, Dan. It’s actually quite beautiful. Well done, David Lanham. Will look wonderful on a mug. That is really the determining factor, isn’t it? :wink:

Of course you have to read it from the south east / 5 o’clock position and understand that the white lines are cursive script. Read it from the south west position as I did and it is much less obvious that the white lines are actually lower case letters. Took me a bit longer to work out than necessary and I am on a page about the very subject.

@dan I hope you don’t mind me putting this up here.

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Glad you like it, but I’m not sure that icon would look good in the dock next to all the other squircle shaped icons.

That icon was the one we had designed for individual Components (or Elements as they were previously known), but it probably won’t be used now. All Components are now shipped inside of encrypted Element packs.

Element Packs allow you to include a single or multiple add ons inside of it, this can include things like Components, Resources, and Themes.


Haha, here’s the high-res version…


@dan I think you could send out a basic template for Sketch for icon creation so that we had a good starting point for creating custom icons with getting all the proportions and sizes correct.