my bad! I linked to scroll padding instead of scroll margin — however, in my defence, I replied before my morning coffee
I just want to say that the support for anchors has really turned out great. I’m now able to provide much smoother navigation to information on my site. Far better than I was able to do in the past and with a lot less hassle.
Congratulations on a simple but elegant solution.
@dan I have been doing a lot of testing with anchors today and they are great. But I have run into a problem when trying to use an anchor from within a TYPOGRAPHY component.
If I set a piece of text to be a link and then link it to an anchor I created. When activated it takes you to the top of the page. What it appears to be doing is ignoring the anchor and just jumps to the selected page (in my case the same page as the link). I also tried setting the link ot jump to an anchor on another page and it just jumped to the top of the page.
I have a workaround for the problem so it is not a showstopper. I simply set the URL for the link to #anchor-name
and it works like a charm. But it would be nice for the standard process to work inside a typography component.
I have not yet tested using a link in a TEXT component, but I assume it will have the same problem.
Tested this in a header as well and I got the same problem.
NOTE: I was selecting some text in the header and then using the link option in the inline editor to try and set the link to the anchor. So maybe it has something to do with setting a link from the inline editor. I was also using it from within the typography component.
Hey @handshaper,
Ahhh, this is indeed a bug, and it affects both the Typography and Text Components. I’ve managed to recreate it here this morning — We’ll get it fixed for the next beta!
Thanks for the feedback, always appreciated.
Great work, Dan & Co.! Great implementation and a much needed function
Two related questions:
I’m building a single page site with four sections. How do I get each section’s anchor ID name (or if I want the menu name to be different than the anchor ID name) into the navigation bar?
How do I turn off the mobile trigger (my menu names are small enough that they will be ok in all screens).
Hey @luckylindy,
Ah-ha! I’d say, build the menu yourself using a Container, flex and text components, that way you have full flexibility!
Let me know if you need help and I can throw something together!
Hello Dan,
I wanted to add a new page to my website and then I got the message that Rapid Weaver is running on demo mode and that I have to purchase Rapid Weaver to add a new page. However, I bought Classic Rapid Weaver long ago. I dont want to buy it a second time. So what should I do?
Best wishes,
Hi @rolfsattler,
You just need to enter your license number, you should have received it via email when you originally purchased RW Classic.
If you need help locating it, just drop an email and we’ll help you get back up and running!
Hi Dan,
Thank you very much for your response. I id what you suggested and it worked!