Driving this crash-test dummy's patience to the limit

Using Rapidweaver 9.3.4 on my iMac running Sonoma 14.7.1 feels more like a test of endurance than anything remotely productive. The program crashes with the regularity of a demolition derby—only its goal seems to be wrecking my patience. At this point, I’m forced to save my work after every action, as if it’s some sort of high-stakes game where the next crash is just waiting around the corner. It’s the same story with other RW files too, leading me to suspect RW is the root cause of its aberrant behaviour. Even MS FrontPage wasn’t this bad.

If someone has a suggestion how to resolve this problem, please let me know.

Thanks, and happy holidays!


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I went back to RW 9.3.2 and found that to be more stable.

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Sorry to hear you’re having issues. RapidWeaver Classic is very stable, and it[s not the norm for it to crash.

It might be an outdated plugin causing your issues. Can you try the following and report back:

Hello Dan,

Thank you for your reply to my post.

I did follow your suggestion; however, turning off plugins caused Stacks to not load (see attached), preventing any further investigation to the source of the problem…sort of like turning off a noisy hospital respirator so the patient can sleep in a quiet room.

It has been suggested that I upgrade to RW 9.3.2, which may be a more stable version. If there is a means to move to 9.3.2, please advise at your convenience.

Thanks again for your help!



Update: RW 9.3.2 found here: https://forums.realmacsoftware.com/t/rapidweaver-classic-9-3-2-is-now-available/44901

Update #2: 24 hours later, RW 9.3.2 has not crashed after hours of intensive use. Looks like I can ditch my Nomex.

Got it; thanks Pete!

Me too. ready to pull the plug on RapidWeaver after 10 years.