Hi all,
Having taken advantage of Black Friday and purchased Easy CMS, I have come across a little problem that may be simple to solve.
I Have setup and published a basic CMS entry on a website and I am pleased with how easy it was to do. The one little niggle is, after entering text in the CMS admin page, the text is not reflected in the preview of the blog (public) page within Rapidweaver.
Any thoughts?
He’s questioning the lack of preview in RW I think?
Yes, it’s showing up on the live site which is the important thing
You are right Gary. As far I am aware, you should be able to preview the text within RapidWeaver itself.
I think this requires php to display the CMS content.
I wonder what verion of RW and Mac OS you are running?
What happens when you preview the page in your web browser using CMD + P?
RW Version 8.9.3 (20888) and Big Sur Version 11.6.1 (until my new M1 arrives ) browser preview shows not text.
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