Elements and Total CMS

I guess this has been asked a thousand times but I cannot see it. Will Elements support Total CMS or will my website users need to redo all their user pages if I remake the site using Elements?

Hi Dave, unfortunately they will have to be redone.

It is unknown at this time if a CMS will be released in the first version of Elements. I have no inside knowledge or making any promises but if I was a betting man, a CMS will be coming. I don’t know if that will be Realmac or a 3rd party nor do I know if it will be static, online, flat-file or database driven. given the API that is being put together I would say probably all the above and a whole lot more.

If you have been following along, if not, here are the videos, demoing the features so far. Dan @dan and the Team have been working hard and have been insanely responsive to ideas and questions. A lot of the ideas have already made it into the product. I encourage you to follow along and add your input to help make Elements great for all of us!

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Any thanks for your reply, really appreciated.

This might be helpful

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As far as we’re aware Weavers Space have no plans to support Elements, so unfortunately this means Total CMS won’t be compatible. However, I’m sure they’ll be other CMS options available for Elements over time.