(Dan C.)
16 December 2024 21:51
You can help make Elements even better by sharing your suggestions and voting on others — Suggest a feature .
Please remember to search before posting as it may have already been suggested. If your idea is already listed, you might want to upvote it. The more votes an idea gets the sooner it’ll get implemented.
P.S. If you’ve found a bug or want to discuss something else about the beta, just post it in the Beta Feedback Category .
Happy Weaving,
Dan & Team Realmac
(Markus Haberkern)
17 December 2024 09:56
Hi @dan
I like the “Roadmap” and the “Suggest Feature”
But what confuses me is the fact, that we already talked about the required features in this thread
Thanks for the feedback, it’s always appreciated!
Gallery is now pretty much complete, look out for it in the next beta. We also have a few more Components to add as we know we have a few gaps to plug
I think the difference with Elements VS Foundry is we’ve gone lower level. The Components we’ve built are VERY flexible and powerful, they allow you to build just about any layout you want as we’re working closer to the bare metal - we’re exposing more of the available CSS properties in …
I now find nearly nothing of the suggestions made there in the Roadmap. Shall we do it again in the suggest features?
Would be good to have the features shown in the Roadmap you already decided to be in the Version 1. Or are this the ones I currently see?
(Dan C.)
17 December 2024 17:47
I know, but it kinda gets lost in the thread, so we think this new service might be a better way to do it.
You guys need to request the features you want here .
As they get added, we’ll move them to the roadmap.
Thanks for all the feedback so far, looking forward to seeing your first Project on the Marketplace