Yep testing beta it’s the way of software, think if I remember my issue with gallery is on mobile, but need to republish and test again, interesting about largest screen will try that as well when I publish later
Container works for me, on desktop
ok captured issue largest screen published to desktop
see video
project here
I downloaded and just opened in safari largest screen had issue straight away didn’t try different screen sizes or publish
smaller screens work
closed everything down restarted and it works from Elements in safari so not consistent
version published to desktop as shown in video works as well now
seems like I closed down safari and Elements and now it works
same issue from Elements
hasn’t happened after that for about 20 tries so very strange
give it a while and it will stop woking properly…been there got the t-shirt
ill give it a little while longer if no progress I’m off to Sxxxxx there’s not a day goes by that there’s not a problem…just little things like one min you cant do something then you log out, log in and it works.
its beta software I dont expect everything to work, things will work then break then work, I wouldn’t dream about creating a website until released , this is good practice, learn while you test, as long as it works at official release that’s the time to create a website. I understood when I purchased the beta it would be like this
Also a great time to suggest changes requests etc
I know but I publish to a domain I own to test…have had it where things work in element preview but not when published!!
can understand frustration, same here, but again beta software, I have a few issues but they should get worked through fingers crossed
Loading ok, but…
direct click on image working however, both forward> and backward< jump to first image in gallery.
Macbook Air M3
Sequoia 15.2
Firefox 134.0
Safari 18.2
Orion (hit and miss of correct image display, second attempt seems to work, but same problems a.a)
I set the columns to 12 and it worked fine. I slowly decreased the columns testing each time and when I got to 5 it stopped working. The problem seems to be if the thumbnails are all on the screen it works fine. If I set the columns to 6, they are all on screen, things work fine. If I then make the browser window shorter (less tall) it stops working.
Hi Dan. I think I have found what causes the problem (for me anyway).
If the thumbnails are all on screen, clicking on one shows the full size image and navigation via mouse or keyboard works fine. If I make the browser window less tall so some of the thumbnails are off screen at the bottom, navigation always moves back to the first image. Making the browser window tall again and navigation works fine.
ALL links in Elements GUI are still broken for me - and still working in Safari. I’m just going to wait for the new beta as there’s something clearly not right.
That is not a bug, the links don’t/won’t work in edit. You need to preview the site to test links, etc.
Even the nav bar links?
Yes, we had links enabled before in the editor and it was a nightmare — it became very annoying as you’d try and select a component in the editor and if it was linked it’d take you to that page or trigger that action instead of highlighting it.
As far as I’m aware, this is the way pretty much all website builders work - and I can understand why!
In this post is a screen shot comparing the gallery in Elements vs in Safari so links appear active in the gallery (although not here).
Can I assume they’re using an old version of the beta or do links work some places and not others? On it being a nightmare, maybe it needs a switch - Option-click follows the link so it can be easily checked and tested.
On the nav bar links, that’s my primary method of switching pages. Prefer that to having the Page panel open.
There’s a preview Lightbox toggle feature so you can see what you’re styling…
Sandvox solved that problem with a simple “Links Active/Inactive” toggle. Don’t dismiss the need to move to the linked component; it occurs a lot on a running Web site where you want to move to the links to fix something on the linked page. On design, not so much.
When I turn on preview, the lightbox shows but immediately says “No Selection” and I lose all property options (I have no way to turn it off again). Neither the navigation or close buttons work. It appears to have ‘bricked’ the page. I can move to other pages but the gallery page is stuck as per the screen shot.
You can select the gallery using the Node Browser.
Doh!, of course, thanks