Eliminating miniature pop-ups when hovering over links?

I’ve been asked whether there is a way to disable miniature popup messages in RW that appear when hovering over a link. For example, when hovering the cursor over hyperlinked text for longer than a second, a small popup appears close-by with a one-word message.

Is there a snippet of jQuery or other magic to make these buggers stay invisible?


I could be wrong, but I think that’s a Mac setting? Two examples attached.
Are you referring to the tips when hovering?

This may work. You can paste it in the site wide Javascript to disable tool tips site wide:
Settings > Code > Javascript

$(document).ready(function() {

I haven’t tried it. Found it here:

edit: I just tried it and it does seem to work. :slight_smile:


I may be wrong, but I think eliminating those tips could negatively affect your SEO ratings. Personally, I don’t care that much, so I just eliminate titles in those links that I don’t want to have tips:

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David, your snippet worked. Many thanks for the tip!


Glad it worked for you. :slight_smile:

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