Hi, I’m just going through the Email Stacks tutorial and tried to add an image stack, but I get this weird behaviour in the stack? Has anyone any idea what I might be doing wrong?
It might be a long shot, but are you using an Email image stack or a Foundation image stack? Foundation stacks don’t work with the Email stack. Also, have you checked you’ve got the Email theme selected?
Yes, it’s the right image stack. It seems to work fine on my laptop, so I’m going to try and figure out what’s different.
I saw something similar when I updated RW to 7.5.5 and then installed the latest Email stack update. I had been using a custom location for my add-ons folder and RW installed the update to the default location.
I’d make sure that the updated stacks are in the correct add-on folder.
Updated to 7.5.5 and it’s fine.
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