I have a problem with Email stack by Joe Workman, when I insert the Inliner stack and click the preview button no code are displayed, the loading icons remain always visible but the code not appears.
See jpg file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8h1mngf90qsovzj/email.png?dl=0
I use Rapidweaver 6 on OS X 10.10.5
I need to fix this problem asap, somebody could help me?
The only thing I can think of is to make sure you preview the email at full width. In the image you provided, it looks like it is full width, but I would double check.
I confirm that the preview is in full width mode, as can be seen in the link indicated.
I do not know why this happens but it is a bit annoying to not be able to use Email Stack (after purchasing it) also because I need it as soon as possible.
I hope there is someone who can help me solve this problem.
I would also double check that you’ve selected the Email stacks theme AND that you have only used stacks from the Email stacks on the page. No other stacks will work on the same page.