Facebook Instant Articles

Hey, I’m wanting to know if Rapid Weaver is compatible with Facebook Instant Articles? According to FB they have a plugin/code string that you can include on articles within a wordpress site, but I don’t know if that will carry over to RapidWeaver. I’m not the most tech savy when it comes to web design stuff, so figured I would ask.


I don’t know of a plugin or stack that does that for you. WordPress is completely different platform.

Looking at Facebook documentation, it looks like they have a simple iFrame style imbed.

That would mean you should be able to do this in almost any site.

<figure class="op-interactive">
    <!-- Include Facebook embed code here. Your Facebook embed code should contain both the "JavaScript SDK" and the "Embedded Post Tag" parts described at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/embedded-posts#add-code-manually -->

This is just HTML, so if you are using stacks you should be able to place the code inside an HTML stack.

I don’t have the Facebook code for any sample articles or I would test it out.

Awesome, thank you so much! I like RapidWeaver and before upgrading it on my new computer and starting on a new site I wanted to make sure instant articles would work. Sounds like they will!

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