Facebook Live video embed

I just set up a site for a local company doing live video reports. It´s a non profit and am using the Youtube channel to host the videos.
On the first page the live reports can be seen in real time using youtube. But they want to use Facebook since the videos are spread more easily. So my question is there a way/addon for rapid weaver that will auto embed every live videos from a Facebook page?

I doubt it as FaceBook want people to view their content on their site. Whilst I might be wrong I very very much doubt FB would allow it.

You might be right about that, but they do support to embed the timeline. Wordpress also have a plugin for it.

It’s a bit of a long drawn out process, but you can get around it by ripping the live video and putting it on Youtube.

Right click the video
select copy url
Paste it into its own browser, but change the www to a m (this gets the mobile version of the site)
You should then be able to rip it. I use an older version of Jaksta, but it works.
You can then upload to YouTube or Vimeo and it works in the normal way.

If anyone does know of a way to simply embed, I’d be interested.

Yes you can - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/embedded-video-player/