Facebook Pages 2 Stack

Does anyone have a copy of Facebook Pages 2 Stack they would sell?

I have been trying to get this Stack but it seems unavailable.

Alternatively any suggestions on how you can open a Facebook Group via a Page in Rapidweaver so you can use the Group on the Page?


RWTuts is no longer in business or supported.

You can get any and all of their old stuff on GitHub for free, however it might probably won’t work any longer. Facebook more than likely has been changed.



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I thought as much. Nothing available though.

Do you know of any other Stacks that will let me do this?


Afraid not,

Most of the social media platforms make their money (lots of money) keeping folks on their platform by advertising and gathering and selling information on those people.

It’s not in their interests to allow you to use the content outside of the platform.

I am just looking for some way to link to the Group from a Page. Thats all.

I’m not a social media person, but my understanding is that FB groups have a URL don’t they?

Couldn’t you Just create any button or link with that URL?

I could but I really wanted the Facebook Group to open on my Rapidweaver Page.

Have you tried the stack from GitHub?
If I remember correctly, it still works. I have used it some time ago, but I am not sure if I had mad changes to it.
(I deleted it already, otherwise I would be happy share it)

I cannot find one there. I have looked.

It’s there. Just download the whole package (aka “repo”) by clicking on the green button “code” and select “download zip”. Unpack it and then install the stack. It might work.

I have now found it but no idea how to download or use it. I am not a computer wizz kid.

After you unpacked the ZIP, there should be a folder with a normal stack in there. Double click it and it should install as every stack.

OK thanks. Have now done it but there is nothing in the instructions on how to use it. Installed OK but there is nowhere to put an URL to my FB Group.

Thanks for trying to help.

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